At UBST, quality is our most important value to ensure that our clients are receiving the highest quality manufactured and private label products available in the national and international markets today. To obtain this level of quality, we follow a strict manufacturing method, ensuring that every phase of the production is carefully, corrected monitored.

UBST has a quality control department that complies with the requirements and norms established by China FDA(Food & Drug Administration) and U.S. FDA, and we manufacture all of our products based in G.M.P. (Good Manufacturing Practice) to ensure quality and purity.

The quality control department has competent technical personnel that verifies and controls the quality of the production process, including the arrival of the raw materials, the manufacturing process and the finished products, performing the required physical & chemical analysis, supervising the packaging, labeling and storages of our products.

Contact Info

Telephone: +86-574-87991187

Fax Number: +86-574-87991187
